Welcome to Temple Shalom

An Intimate Reform Jewish Community — Big Enough to Serve You, Small Enough to Know You.
If you are searching for a progressive Jewish community in Winnipeg, fresh approaches to life-long Jewish learning and opportunities to help change the world, come join the Temple Shalom family.
The temple offers a weekly Kabbalat Shabbat service, special musical programs, Torah study, tikkun olam initiatives, and life-long learning programs, including Hebrew and Jewish Education classes for both adults and children.
Our welcoming, intimate congregation will be delighted to have you drop in for a visit. Temple Shalom is accessible for people with limited mobility and is a scent-free environment.

Rabbi Emeritus Allan Finkel is a lifelong Winnipegger and a graduate of Joseph Wolinsky Collegiate in Winnipeg’s North End. He grew up in the Orthodox tradition at the Talmud Torah Synagogue where he was a junior chazzan and a member of Cantor Benjamin Brownstone’s Shabbat and High Holiday choirs. He later wandered through Conservative Judaism and then settled into Reform Judaism where he found his spiritual “home.” He has a diverse background, having accumulated a law degree, an MBA and three wonderful children. His career path and extensive volunteer commitments have all featured a commitment to the Jewish values of Tikkun Olam – changing and repairing the world.
Rabbi Allan’s journey into the rabbinate occurred later in life and he is currently the Rabbi and spiritual leader at Temple Shalom, with a strong passion for creative and innovative adaptations of Judaism in these modern and changing times, and to the engagement and inclusion of interfaith families and to inclusiveness in all dimensions.
Rabbi Allan is also an outspoken advocate for interfaith engagement and especially for building strong bridges and partnerships across all denominations within the Jewish community.

President: Judith Huebner
Past President: Ruth Livingston
Miral Gabor
Ruth Livingston
Myriam Saitman
Matt Scarth
Seema Schachter
Shawna Forester-Smith
David Topper