If you are searching for a welcoming, progressive Jewish community, more powerful connection to Judaism, fresh approaches to life-long Jewish learning and opportunities to help change the world, come join the Temple Shalom family. The temple offers a weekly Shabbat Service, Friday Night Live, Torah Study, Adult Education and Adult Hebrew Classes as well as a Religious School for your children.Our congregation will be delighted to have you drop in for a visit. Temple Shalom is accessible for people with limited mobility and is a scent-free environment.
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Mishpatim (5785) by Myriam Saitman
I am heartbroken. Am I expected to study Torah when I am heartbroken? We are heartbroken. Are we expected to discuss the parasha when we are heartbroken? Maybe. Maybe not.
Discussing Mishpatim, this week´s parasha, is particularly hard today, after the return to Israel of the bodies of 4 hostages killed by Hamas in...Read More
Vaera (5785) by Myriam Saitman
I invite you to bring to mind the image of Moses popularized in the western world. What is coming to your mind? The horned, long-haired sculpture by renaissance artist Michelangelo or the bearded, blue-eyed Charlton Heston in the old movie The 10 Commandments? Regardless of the image you conjured up, both shared a common...
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